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another grey day to round out January

Dear me!

I'm not sure if I'm starting to enjoy the cold blanket that lays over our heads or if I have simply given into the fact that it is a fact (no -oid).

I'm unfolding a thought that heavily relies on experience-- in no new way yet reconfiguring. I don't often share the "behind the scene(s)" occasional heavy reliance upon the computer. These images I'm making feel so certain and yet permeable. Which is reflective of both the content and the process. Paper is so universal yet also fickle. I think I enjoy that, the needing something concrete to work from while also being subject to change.

I was having a conversation with A + C about the state of creating, being an artist or maker or in today's day and age content creator. He said that the camera ruined painting. Maybe I am finding a way to let the camera in, considering the histories of process. In touch with the innovations of past tomorrows, while also maintaining the hand. One off isn't just about tangible value, but also about the specialness of holding something, the trace of something held.

Maybe I'm just a softy, it's true, I'll admit it, but something within me is so stuck on the idea of the hand, it's ability to touch, that I constantly draw from. What is the stick if not the extension of the hand.

I'm curious if the concept of containment is as integral as I think or if I'm just recycling my own material-- literally pulling out past images or coming back to the same language over and over. What is language if not the vocalization of image.

I've been finding more satisfaction (or perhaps more drive) from the mock up stage of what could be than I am from the actual sitting down and realizing. Maybe that means I need to change my process, or perhaps I can be gentle with myself and say I'm waiting for the idea to be right. I probably just need to do it.

Here's to doing it! Whatever that looks like.

Yours in a suspension of my own making,
